September 1st, 2017

Insurance policies are like emergency savings accounts set aside to cover the unexpected. Insureds pay premiums and then insurers have money set aside in case something bad happens.

August 16th, 2017

Carmichael Clark, P.S. is pleased to announce that Bryan Page and Lisa Keeler are being recognized as Rising Stars by Washington Super Lawyers Magazine.

August 11th, 2017

But every client who is involved in a lawsuit or about to become involved in a lawsuit has the same question—will the other side have to pay my attorney fees if/when I win?

June 7th, 2017

One of the biggest sources of confusion I see from businesses in Whatcom County is trying to figure out the difference between independent contractors and employees.

April 12th, 2017

The Washington Supreme Court recently issued a new decision on vesting of development rights in, Snohomish County v. Pollution Control Hearings Board, et al., case no. 92805-3.

February 2nd, 2017

Rather than talk to a lawyer and try to solve the problems, people often try to bury their head in the sand like an ostrich and ignore their legal problems in hopes they go away.

November 30th, 2016

Catherine Moore has joined Carmichael Clark, P.S. as an associate. Catherine practices in the areas of land use and real estate, water law, municipal law and civil litigation.

October 20th, 2016

Many real estate disputes involve easements. These disputes can often involve the location of an easement, the scope and purpose of an easement, and even whether an easement exists at all.

September 7th, 2016

In the United States, courts recognize that certain relationships are special and that communications made in the relationship are protected from being disclosed except under narrow exceptions.

August 16th, 2016

Many commercial loans contain what are called default interest provisions. The provisions call for the default rate to apply upon any default by the Borrower under the loan agreement.

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