Landlords are particularly concerned because every day a non-paying tenant remains in the property is another day of lost rent to the landlord.
The lawyers at Carmichael Clark are committed to giving back to the community and do so by donating our time and other resources to various local non-profit, and other organizations.
The day of the friendly “handshake” is over, but the world nowadays seems controlled by documents; leases, licenses, contracts, waivers, disclaimers, assumptions, warnings, and wills.
Owning an illegally created lot can lead to road blocks when it is time to develop the property.
Have you ever wondered why your bank sends you account statements every month? It is not just for your convenience.
Deborra Garrett, one of Carmichael Clark’s long time partners, is running for Superior Court Judge. Deborra has been a partner at Carmichael Clark since 1993…
It is estimated that 30 million Canadians make overnight, cross-border trips to the United States annually,[1] and judging by the Guide Meridian on a Saturday afternoon, most of them are here in Whatcom County.
Land use practitioners should at least consider whether mediation is an appropriate method of resolution of land use disputes at the local level.
Alternative dispute resolution, like arbitration, is becoming ever more popular as the costs to litigate a lawsuit in court increase.
The Campaign for Equal Justice is the statewide unified annual fundraising drive that provides vital operating support to more than 20 civil legal aid programs in Washington.
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